CO 789: Lattice-Based Cryptography (Fall 2015)
Instructor: David Jao. Office hours: MWF 2:30pm-3:20pm.
Course materials
- Course outline (https:../../wiki/images/0/08/CO789-2015-outline.pdf)
External resources
- Chris Peikert's Lattices in Cryptography course: Fall 2015 (, Fall 2013 (
- Oded Regev's Lattices in Computer Science course: Fall 2009 (, Fall 2004 (
- Daniele Micciancio's Lattices Algorithms and Applications course: Spring 2014 (, Winter 2010 (, Spring 2007 (
- Vinod Vaikuntanathan's Advanced Topics in Cryptography: Lattices course: Fall 2015 (, Fall 2011 (
- Shai Halevi's Homomorphic Encryption and Lattices course: Spring 2013 (, Spring 2011 (
- September 14: Lattices -- Definitions, examples, basis, fundamental region
- September 16: Existence of bases, Hermite normal form
- September 18: Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, lower bounds for λ1
- Sepetmber 21: Minkowski's theorem, upper bounds for λ1
- September 23: LLL -- definition and algorithm
- September 25: LLL -- proof and applications
- September 28: SVP to CVP reduction, NP-hardness of CVP
- September 30: Search/decisional CVP equivalence, Babai's nearest plane algorithm
- October 2: Ajtai's OWF and CRHF, reduction to SIS
- October 5: Discrete Gaussian sampling, SIS to SIVP reduction
- October 7: Cyclic lattices and ideals
- October 9: SIS to SIVP reduction for cyclic lattices
- October 14: LWE and applications
- October 16: LWE reductions: Decision to search; self-reducibility
- October 19: LWE to BDD reductions
- October 21: Quantum LWE to SIVP reduction
- October 23: Ring-LWE: definition and applications
- October 26: Number fields, algebraic numbers, and the canonical embedding
- October 28: Algebraic integers and construction of integral bases
- October 30: RLWE cryptosystems; security proofs
- November 2: NTRU
- November 4: Lattice trapdoors
- November 6: IBE and HIBE
- November 9: Fully homomorphic encryption
- November 11: Attribute-based encryption
- November 13: Security proofs for ABE
- November 16: Software obfuscation
- November 18: Multilinear maps
Schedule of course projects
- November 20: LWE cryptanalysis (Luis Ruiz-Lopez)
- November 23: BKZ lattice reduction (Sharat Ibrahimpur)
- November 25: Quantum cryptanalysis of Ajtai-Dwork (Jason LeGrow)
- November 27: GGH cryptosystem (Christopher Leonardi)
- November 30: Circuit squashing (Youngho Yoo)
- December 2: Fully homomorphic encryption (Emily Neufeld)
- December 4: Trapdoor signature schemes (Edward Eaton)