CO 487 - Winter 2011

Applied Cryptography

Instructor: David Jao
Office hours: Mon. & Wed. 2-3

Teaching assistants:

Fidel Barrera-Cruz fbarrera MC 6224 Office hours: Thurs. 3:00-4:00
Edward Knapp eknapp DC 3142 Office hours: Thurs. 12:30-1:30
Vladimir Soukharev vsoukhar DC 3142 Office hours: Tue. 3:00-4:00

Course materials



The (tentative) assignment schedule is as follows:


  1. Course overview
    • Introduction (https:../../wiki/images/6/61/Co487-2011-lecture01.pdf)
  2. Symmetric key encryption
  3. Hash functions
  4. Public-key cryptography
  5. Discrete logarithm cryptography
    • Diffie-Hellman key exchange and Elgamal encryption
    • Discrete logarithms, Diffie-Hellman, and DHIES
    • Digital Signature Algorithm
    • Baby-step giant-step
  6. Protocols
  7. Elliptic curves
    • Definition
    • Addition law and group structure
    • Discrete logarithm problem
    • Protocols: Elgamal, ECIES, ECDSA
  8. Security infrastructure