CO 487: Applied Cryptography (Winter 2016)
Instructor: David Jao, djao@math, MC 5032
Office hours: Tue., Wed., Thurs. 2:00pm-3:00pm
Teaching assistants:
Edward Eaton | eeaton | MC 5481 | Office hours: Thu. 12:00-1:00 |
Chris Leonardi | cfoleona | MC 5481 | Office hours: Mon. 10:30-11:30 |
Vishnu Narayan | vvnaraya | MC 6011 | Office hours: Wed. 11:30-12:30 |
Luis Ruiz-Lopez | laruizlo | MC 5129 | Office hours: Tue. & Thu. 11:00-12:00 |
Randy Yee | r7yee | MC 5497 | Office hours: Tue. 1:00-2:00 |
It is highly recommended that students join the Google+ community ( for CO 487 to keep up to date with online discussions of assignment problems and administrative issues.
Course materials
- Course outline (https:../../wiki/images/9/96/CO487-2016-outline.pdf)
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography, ( by A. J. Menezes, P. C. van Oorschot and S. A. Vanstone.
Final exam information
Past final exams: 2015 (https:../../wiki/images/5/53/CO487-2016-final1.pdf), 2013 (https:../../wiki/images/4/46/CO487-2016-final2.pdf)
Midterm information
The midterm is a closed-book, no-calculator exam.
- Past midterms: 2015 #1 (https:../../wiki/images/7/7d/CO487-2016-sample-midterm1.pdf), 2015 #2 (https:../../wiki/images/0/04/CO487-2016-sample-midterm3.pdf), 2013 (https:../../wiki/images/e/e4/CO487-2016-sample-midterm2.pdf)
- Midterm room assignments (https:../../cgi-bin/midterm.cgi)
- Exam problems (https:../../wiki/images/b/bf/CO487-2016-midterm.pdf)
- Solutions (https:../../wiki/images/2/25/CO487-2016-midterm-solutions.pdf)
- Raw score distribution (https:../../scores.txt)
The (tentative) schedule for the course is as follows:
- Assignment 1 (https:../../wiki/images/d/d2/Co487-2016-a1.pdf) (due Friday, January 15)
- Vigenère ciphertexts for problem 1
- Vigenère cipher cracking tool ( for problem 1
- Ciphertext c1 (https:../../a1/enc1.txt) for problem 2
- Ciphertext c2 (https:../../a1/enc2.txt) for problem 2
- One-time-pad encryption and decryption oracle ( for problem 2
- Solutions (https:../../wiki/images/5/5c/Co487-2016-s1.pdf)
- Assignment 2 (https:../../wiki/images/f/ff/Co487-2016-a2.pdf) (due Friday, January 29)
- A Tutorial on Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis ( (required reading)
- To download, click on "Download full text", then "Shibboleth", select "University of Waterloo", and enter your login.
- Ciphertexts for linear cryptanalysis for problem 2
- Ciphertexts for differential cryptanalysis for problem 3
- Solutions (https:../../wiki/images/d/dd/Co487-2016-s2.pdf)
- A Tutorial on Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis ( (required reading)
- Assignment 3 (https:../../wiki/images/8/80/Co487-2016-a3.pdf) (due Friday, February 12)
- SageMath Cloud ( session transcript (https:../../smc-term.txt) and VIM commands (https:../../vim-commands.txt) from Feb. 3 class
- SHA-1 implementation: HTML (read-only) ( and Mathematica ( formats
- MD4 implementation: HTML (read-only) ( and Mathematica ( formats
- MD5 implementation: HTML (read-only) ( and Mathematica ( formats
- MD4 and MD5 collision generator (
- Solutions (https:../../wiki/images/6/60/Co487-2016-s3.pdf)
- Midterm (Wednesday, February 24, 8:30am-10:20am, room TBA)
- Assignment 4 (https:../../wiki/images/8/80/Co487-2016-a4.pdf) (due Monday, March 14)
- Supplementary material for Question 2 (https:../../a4-q2.txt)
- SageMath Cloud worksheet ( from the lecture of Wed. March 2 (requires SageMath Cloud account)
- SageMath Cloud worksheet ( from the lecture of Mon. March 7
- SageMath Cloud worksheet ( from the lecture of Wed. March 9
- Solutions (https:../../wiki/images/3/39/Co487-2016-s4.pdf)
- Assignment 5 (https:../../wiki/images/6/65/Co487-2016-a5.pdf) (due Monday, March 28)
- SageMath Cloud worksheet ( (and source ( from the lecture of Wed. March 16
- SageMath Cloud worksheet ( from the lecture of Wed. March 23
- Solutions (https:../../wiki/images/7/7c/Co487-2016-s5.pdf)
- Introduction to cryptography (https:../../wiki/images/2/27/CO487-2016-slides01.pdf) (January 4)
- Symmetric-key encryption (https:../../wiki/images/0/01/CO487-2016-slides02.pdf) (January 6)
- Security definitions for symmetric-key encryption (https:../../wiki/images/3/3a/CO487-2016-slides03.pdf) (January 8). Some (optional) links of interest:
- Claude Shannon, A mathematical theory of communication ( (1948)
- Claude Shannon, Communication theory of secrecy systems ( (1949)
- Randall Munroe, Security ( (2009)
- Block ciphers (https:../../wiki/images/3/35/CO487-2016-slides04.pdf) (January 11)
- Data Encryption Standard (https:../../wiki/images/6/65/CO487-2016-slides05.pdf) (January 13)
- Linear cryptanalysis (https:../../wiki/images/9/97/CO487-2016-slides06.pdf) (January 15)
- Howard Heys, A tutorial on linear and differential cryptanalysis ( (required reading)
- To download, click on "Download full text", then "Shibboleth", select "University of Waterloo", and enter your login.
- Howard Heys, A tutorial on linear and differential cryptanalysis ( (required reading)
- Differential cryptanalysis (https:../../wiki/images/b/b0/CO487-2016-slides07.pdf) (January 20)
- Cryptanalysis of DES (https:../../wiki/images/9/9d/CO487-2016-slides08.pdf) (January 22). Optional reading:
- Eli Biham and Adi Shamir, Differential cryptanalysis of DES-like cryptosystems (
- Advanced Encryption Standard (https:../../wiki/images/d/d2/CO487-2016-slides09.pdf) (January 25)
- Block cipher modes of operation (https:../../wiki/images/d/dd/CO487-2016-slides10.pdf) (January 27)
- Hash functions (https:../../wiki/images/d/df/CO487-2016-slides11.pdf) (January 29)
- Iterated hash functions (https:../../wiki/images/7/74/CO487-2016-slides12.pdf) (February 1)
- Collisions in iterated hash functions (https:../../wiki/images/4/47/CO487-2016-slides13.pdf) (February 3)
- Message Authentication Codes (https:../../wiki/images/8/8f/CO487-2016-slides14.pdf) (February 5)
- Authenticated encryption (https:../../wiki/images/2/20/CO487-2016-slides15.pdf) (February 8)
- Applied cryptanalysis (https:../../wiki/images/a/a3/CO487-2016-slides16.pdf) (February 10)
- Cryptography, law, and society (https:../../wiki/images/f/ff/CO487-2016-slides17.pdf) (February 12)
- Introduction to public-key cryptography (https:../../wiki/images/d/db/CO487-2016-slides18.pdf) (February 26)
- RSA encryption (https:../../wiki/images/d/d3/CO487-2016-slides19.pdf) (February 29). Optional reading:
- R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman, A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems ( (1978)
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange (https:../../wiki/images/8/83/CO487-2016-slides20.pdf) (March 2). Optional reading:
- W. Diffie and M. Hellman, New Directions in Cryptography ( (1976)
- Security definitions for public-key cryptography (https:../../wiki/images/2/23/CO487-2016-slides21.pdf) (March 4)
- Semantic security (https:../../wiki/images/2/2b/CO487-2016-slides22.pdf) (March 7)
- Probabilistic encryption (https:../../wiki/images/1/1c/CO487-2016-slides23.pdf) (March 9)
- Hybrid encryption (https:../../wiki/images/a/af/CO487-2016-slides24.pdf) (March 11)
- Elliptic curve cryptography (https:../../wiki/images/1/1a/CO487-2016-slides25.pdf) (March 14)
- Digital signatures (https:../../wiki/images/a/ab/CO487-2016-slides26.pdf) (March 16)
- Side-channel attacks (https:../../wiki/images/8/8e/CO487-2016-slides27.pdf) (March 18)
- Bitcoin (https:../../wiki/images/7/71/CO487-2016-slides28.pdf) (March 21). Optional reading:
- S. Nakamoto, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System ( (2008)
- Quantum computation (https:../../wiki/images/b/b2/CO487-2016-slides29.pdf) (March 23)
- Quantum key distribution (https:../../wiki/images/4/49/CO487-2016-slides30.pdf) (March 28)
- Hardware implementations (https:../../wiki/images/c/c6/CO487-2016-slides31.pdf) (March 30)
- Post-quantum cryptography (April 1). No slides, but here are some useful links:
- S. Galbraith, ECDLP can be solved in 24-th root time ( (2016)
- NIST IR 8105 (
- NIST presentation from PQCrypto 2016 (
- NSA Suite B Cryptography (
- N. Koblitz and A. Menezes, A riddle wrapped in an Enigma ( (2015)
- Exam review (https:../../wiki/images/a/a4/CO487-2016-slides32.pdf) (April 4)